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P. 85
• 1973: Ichiro Kato at Tokyo’s Waseda University developed
WABOT-1, the first full-scale anthropomorphic robot. The
WABOT-1 was able to communicate with a person in Japanese
and measure distances and directions to the objects.
THE GROWTH YEARS (1980-1987) Ichiro Kato
In the 1980s, the AI paradigm shifted to symbolic AI and the so-called expert systems
or knowledge-based systems. The underlying concept was to convert human expert
knowledge in form of computer code and distribute it as a program to a large number
of personal computers (PCs). LISP and PROLOG were the main symbolic programming
Some key achievements of this period are:
• 1980: The robot musician WABOT-2 can converse with
a person, read a normal musical score with its eye
(camera) and play tunes of average difficulty on an
electronic organ. The WABOT-2 was the first milestone
in developing a personal robot.
• 1983: ID3, an algorithm that generates a decision tree
from a given set of data, is created. ID3 is the precursor
to the C4.5 algorithm used in machine learning and
natural language processing.
In the 1990s and 2010s, AI addressed complex problems, providing solutions that were
found to be useful in different applications. AI researchers began to develop and use
more sophisticated mathematical tools.
• 1995: Kismet, a robot head, was created by Dr.
Cynthia Breazeal at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology as an experiment in affective
computing. Kismet could recognise and simulate
emotions. Kismet
• 1997: IBM Deep Blue beat the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, and became
the first computer to beat a world chess champion.
• 2000: Honda developed ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative
Mobility), a humanoid robot with the ability to recognise moving
objects, postures, gestures, its surrounding environment, sounds,
and faces. ASIMO interpreted voice commands and human gestures,
and identified its companions. ASIMO