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P. 87

•  2016: AlphaGo, an AI-developed algorithm, defeated
                    Lee  Sedol,  the  world’s  number  one  Go  player.

                    AlphaGo was upgraded a year later into a generalised
                    and more powerful algorithm AlphaZero. AlphaZero
                    learned how to play master-level chess in just four

                    hours and defeated Stockfish (the top AI chess player)                       AlphaGo
                    in a 100-game match without losing a single game.
                    Sophia, the humanoid robot, is unveiled by Hanson Robotics. It
                    became the first robot to receive the citizenship of a country,
                    Saudi Arabia, in 2017.

                    Google  launched  Google  Home,  a  series  of  smart  devices
                    aimed at home automation.                                                        Sophia
                    Elon Musk launched Neuralink Corporation, a company

                    that aims to create an interface between humans and
                    machines to accelerate machine learning.
                 •  2018: The Project Debater from IBM debated complex
                    topics  with  two master  debaters and  performed
                    extremely well.                                                       Google Home Devices

                  The concept of Artificial Intelligence took birth during the early 1940s.
                  Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test in 1950 to measure the intelligence of machines.

                  The  American  computer  scientist  John  McCarthy  coined  the  term  Artificial
                    Intelligence at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956.
                  Joseph Weizenbaum created the first chatbot, named ELIZA, in 1966.

                  Ichiro  Kato  at  Tokyo’s  Waseda  University  developed  WABOT-1,  the  first
                    full-scale anthropomorphic robot.
                  In 2004, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, land on Mars
                    using AI-assisted navigation.

                  Sophia, the humanoid robot, became the first robot to receive the citizenship of a
                    country, Saudi Arabia, in 2017.

                                                       Info Retention

            A.    Tick [3] the correct option.

                   1.  The first robot to become the citizen of a country is ______.

                             Siri                                           Sophia

                             ASIMO                                          WABOT-1

   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92