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P. 87
• 2016: AlphaGo, an AI-developed algorithm, defeated
Lee Sedol, the world’s number one Go player.
AlphaGo was upgraded a year later into a generalised
and more powerful algorithm AlphaZero. AlphaZero
learned how to play master-level chess in just four
hours and defeated Stockfish (the top AI chess player) AlphaGo
in a 100-game match without losing a single game.
Sophia, the humanoid robot, is unveiled by Hanson Robotics. It
became the first robot to receive the citizenship of a country,
Saudi Arabia, in 2017.
Google launched Google Home, a series of smart devices
aimed at home automation. Sophia
Elon Musk launched Neuralink Corporation, a company
that aims to create an interface between humans and
machines to accelerate machine learning.
• 2018: The Project Debater from IBM debated complex
topics with two master debaters and performed
extremely well. Google Home Devices
The concept of Artificial Intelligence took birth during the early 1940s.
Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test in 1950 to measure the intelligence of machines.
The American computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term Artificial
Intelligence at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956.
Joseph Weizenbaum created the first chatbot, named ELIZA, in 1966.
Ichiro Kato at Tokyo’s Waseda University developed WABOT-1, the first
full-scale anthropomorphic robot.
In 2004, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, land on Mars
using AI-assisted navigation.
Sophia, the humanoid robot, became the first robot to receive the citizenship of a
country, Saudi Arabia, in 2017.
Info Retention
A. Tick [3] the correct option.
1. The first robot to become the citizen of a country is ______.
Siri Sophia