Page 132 - English Grammar - 7
P. 132
They’ve painted their house recently, haven’t they?
They weren’t at the meeting, were they?
He had talked to him before, hadn’t he?
Question Tags without Auxiliary Verbs
If the main part of a sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, then the question tag uses an
appropriate form of do. For example:
I called you, didn’t I?
O O She loves ice cream, doesn’t she?
You have the key to the desk, don’t you?
Question Tags with Modal Verbs
When the main part of a sentence has a modal verb, the question tag uses the same modal
verb. For example:
We couldn’t come in the stormy You won’t drop the vase, will you?
weather, could we? O She would come, woudn’t she?
Practice Time
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable question tags.
1. That is right, _______________? 2. You are joking, _______________?
3. He is not coming, _______________? 4. She is tired, _______________?
5. They are not coming, _______________? 6. It is not raining, _______________?
7. This cake is delicious, _______________? 8. I am the best, _______________?
9. This isn’t moving, _______________? 10. He is happy right now, _______________?
B. Change these statements from negative to positive. Then provide suitable question tags.
1. I am not the person incharge, am I? ___________________________________________
2. They are not on their way, are they? __________________________________________
3. Julie is not in central bureau, is she? __________________________________________
4. She doesn’t work in a hotel, does she?
Question Tags C. Change these statements from positive to negative. And then provide suitable question tags.
5. You haven’t found my earrings, have you?
1. The weather is nice and sunny today, isn’t it?
2. This chocolate is for me, isn’t it?
3. They really need some new clothes, don’t they?
4. I am late, aren’t I?
5. We can do it together, can’t we?