Page 136 - English Grammar - 7
P. 136

�   to take the place of a comma before a quotation or a direct speech. For example:
                       The headline read: ‘Taxi Driver Battles Gangsters’.
                       The host made the announcement: “You are all staying for dinner.”
                �   to separate the hour from minutes. For example:

                       I will reach there by 9:30 a.m.
                Semicolon (;)

                The semicolon is used somewhere between a full stop and a comma.

                Semicolons may be used to link two phrases or sentences without the use of a conjunction.
                For example:

                       I like Goa; it is beautiful and peaceful.
                Semicolons are also used to separate lists which already contain a list of things separated

                by commas. For example:

                       This  morning I  bought some  bread, butter and  cheese;  tomatoes,  cucumbers  and
                       brinjals; cakes, muffins and pastries.

                Quotation Marks (‘ ... ’, ‘‘ ... ’’)
                The quotation marks are used to write down the exact words of a speaker. For example:

                       Mother said, “Don’t forget to post the letter on the way.”
                       Deepak said to the teacher, ‘Can I ask you a question?’.

                Apostrophe (’)
                The apostrophe is used to show both contraction and possession.

                For contractions, the apostrophe is used where a noun or a pronoun and a verb combine. It
                often replaces a letter that has been dropped. For example:

                       is not―isn’t; was not―wasn’t; has not―hasn’t; had not―hadn’t
                For possession, the ’s is added to a noun. For example:
              Punctuation  Hyphen (-)
                       Julie’s cycle; the cat’s tail; the car’s bonnet

                The hyphen and the dash can be quite confusing.

                A hyphen joins two or more words together. It is not separated by a space. For example:

                       run-off; son-in-law

                Dash (—)
                The dash may be used like brackets to give additional information. For example:

                       My cousin—the one who works in the navy—is getting married this month.
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