Page 99 - English Grammar - 6
P. 99

Made of a compound of                     within, without, before, beneath
         preposition and adverb
         Adverbs derived from pronouns             Time related: then, when

                                                   Place related: there, here, where
                                                   Manner related: this, how

         Pronoun based adverb                      Thereby, therefrom, therein, therewith, thereafter.
         compounded with prepositions              hereby, hereafter, herein, hereupon, herewith,
                                                   hereto, wherefore, wherein, whereon, whereof,
                                                   henceforth, henceforward.
         Two adverbs sometimes go                  again and again, by and by, far and near, first and
         together formed by a conjunction.         foremost, how and then out and out, over and above,
                                                   through and through.

                                                    Practice Time 1

        A.  Complete the table given below on the degrees of comparison of adverbs.

                         Positive                      Comparative                      Superlative

                           hard                                                            hardest

                                                           faster                           fastest
                           well                            better

                          badly                                                             worst
                         sweetly                                                        most sweetly


                           soon                                                            soonest

        B.  Frame sentences using the given pairs of nouns and the comparative forms of adverbs in                Adverbs: Degrees of Comparison

              1.  tortoise — rabbit                                                                    (slowly)
              2.  elephant — cheetah                                                                      (fast)

              3.  fox — sheep                                                                       (cunningly)
              4.  lamb — wolf                                                                         (brutally)

              5.  India — Sri Lanka                                                                      (very)

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