Page 67 - English Grammar - 5
P. 67

Intransitive Verbs

        A verb that does not require an object to complete its meaning is called an intransitive

        Read the following sentences:

           The girls dance.
           The boy slept.
        In the above sentences, the verbs dance and slept do not require any objects. We can
        easily understand the meaning of these sentences. So, the verbs dance and slept are

        intransitive verbs.

                                                  Practice Time 3

        Circle the intransitive verbs in the sentences given below.

               1.  He runs.

               2.  The fire burns.

               3.  The boys laugh.

               4.  She sings.

               5.  The Sun shines.

               6.  The girl smiled.

               7.  Birds fly.

               8.  The man slipped.

        Incomplete Verbs

        A verb (usually the verbs of be class) that requires some other words to complete

        its meaning is called an incomplete verb. This is also an intransitive verb but with an
        incomplete predication. The word that is required to form a complete predicate is
        called the complement to the verb.

        Read the following groups of words.                                                                       Verbs

            Mohit is.                                           Father appears.
        O                                                    O
            She was.                                            The gardener seems.
        O                                                    O
        The above sentences require some words to complete their meaning or to complete
        their predicate.
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