Page 71 - English Grammar - 5
P. 71

1 11 11                    Subject–Verb Agreementerb Agreement

        Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

            Read the paragraph and tick (3) the correct form of the verbs in each sentence.

            A mother have           / has      great importance in one’s life.

            Every morning, my mother wakes               / wake        me up.

            Her lovely voice give          / gives       me happiness and joy.

            She talks        / talk      to me with a smiling face.

            She spends         / spend       lots of time towards building up our

            She make          / makes        us good human beings.

            We all am         / are      well mannered because of our mothers.

            She are        / is      a good helping hand for every member of the family.

          Let’s Learn Subject—Verb Agreement

        When you write a sentence, the subject and the verb must agree in number and person.

        You know that nouns and pronouns are singular or plural in number.

          boy—boys                              girl—girls                          he/she—they

        Similarly, verbs are also singular or plural in number.
          is—are                                has—have                            was—were

        Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

        Read the table carefully and observe the use of different verbs with different subjects.


         Singular Subject + Singular Verb                   Plural Subject + Plural Verb

         I am a teacher.                                    Mrs Khan and Mrs Khanna are our teachers.

         She is my neighbour.                               They are my neighbours.
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