Page 93 - English Grammar - 4
P. 93

8.  Find words from the paragraph which mean the following.

                   (a)  the  apperance  of  a  par� cular  disease  in  a  large  number  of  people  at  the
                        same � me

                   (b)  a long period when there is li� le or no rain.

        B.  Read the given paragraph and answer the ques� ons that follow.
              There was a grocer. He had a big pot of honey for sale.

              He  had kept the pot in  his  store. One day  when he
              was taking out the pot, it slipped from his hands and
              broke  down.  All  the  honey  spilt  on  the  fl oor.  Seeing

              the honey spread on the fl oor, a swarm of bees came
              to eat it. They were very surprised and happy to fi nd
              so much honey at one place. They excitedly began to

              eat up all  the honey and  forgot that it could  be too
              much  for  them.  They  ate  and  ate  � ll  they  could  eat
              no  more.  At  last,  when  they  wished  to  fl y  off ,  they

              found that they could not move. Their legs had got stuck fast in the honey and they
              were trapped. A� er some � me, they all died. They lost their lives because they had
              been greedy.

             1.  What was in the pot?

             2.  Where was the pot kept?


             3.  Why did the swarm of bees come?


             4.  Why were the bees surprised and happy?

             5.   Why could the bees not move?                                                                    Comprehension


             6.  Frame sentences of your own using the words given below.
                   a.  grocer      ______________________________________________________

                   b.  store       ______________________________________________________

                   c.  slipped     ______________________________________________________

                   d.  spilt       ______________________________________________________
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