Page 89 - English Grammar - 4
P. 89

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        Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

            Complete the sentences given below using the correct punctuation marks.

            •  What is your name _________

            •  The film was very interesting _________

            •  Oh no that will never happen _________

            •  Is this your pen Denver _________

          Let’s Learn Punctuation

        Punctua� on is a set of marks that are used in wri� ng. They make a sentence easy to
        understand. Punctua� on gives a clear meaning to our wri� ng.

        The following are the most commonly used punctua� on marks in English.

        Full stop (.)

        We use a full stop at the end of a statement.

        Read the following sentences.

               They play in the fi eld.                              Bring a glass of water for me.
                                                                

        Question mark (?)

        We put a ques� on mark at the end of a ques� on.

        Read the following sentences.

               How are you?                                         Did he complete his homework?
                                                                

        Exclamation mark (!)

        We use an exclama� on mark at the end of an exclamatory word or a sentence that

        expresses an emo� on.
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