Page 91 - English Grammar - 4
P. 91
Activity Time
Work in pairs. Write three sentences without using any punctua� on marks. Now exchange
your book with your partner and add punctua� on marks at relevant places in those
sentences. A� er both of you have done, get your answers checked by your teacher.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will write on pieces of paper some words such as:
a. Proper Nouns—Adil/India/Bible
b. Common Nouns—cow/chair/bus/lion
c. Thank you/Good morning/Excuse Me
d. What/Why/ How/Where
e. Wow/Fantas� c/Oops/Yummy
The teacher will ask the students to pull one piece of paper, read the words aloud
and then convey to the class the punctua� on mark which should be used with it in
a sentence.
For example :
Adil : (i) Thank you! — We use exclama� on mark when we say with surprise in this case.
(ii) Cow, lion, chair, bus — We use comma in this case.
Learn With Fun
Sumit wrote a le� er to his mother but forgot to add punctua� on marks. Rewrite the
le� er in your notebook.
21 February 20XX
dear mother
hope this fi nds you in the best of health and spirits i will be coming home next week Punctuation
when my preparatory holidays begin i will be at home for two weeks give my regards
to papa
with love
Yours aff ec� onately