Page 111 - Grammar Glow - 6
P. 111

D. Cries of Animals

                                  Animal           Cry             Animal            Cry

                               asses          bray              horses          neigh
                               bears          growl             jackals         howl
                               bees           hum               kites           scream
                               birds          chirp             larks           sing

                               bulls          bellow            lions           roar
                               camels         grunt             mice            squeak
                               cats           mew               owls            hoot
                               cocks          crow              oxen            low
                               cows           low               parrots         talk
                               crows          caw               pigeons         coo
                               dogs           bark              pigs            grunt

                               doves          coo               ravens          croak
                               ducks          quack             sheep           bleat
                               elephants      trumpet           snakes          hiss
                               flies          buzz              swallows        twitter
                               frogs          croak             swans           cry

                               geese          cackle            tigers          growl
                               goats          bleat             turkeys         gobble
                               hawks          scream            vultures        scream
                               hens           cluck             wolves          growl

          E. Sounds of Objects
                                  Object         Sound             Object          Sound

                               aeroplanes     zoom              coins           clink
                               arms           clang             clocks          tick

                               bells          ring              clouds          thunder
                               boots          creak             doors           bang
                               bows           twang             dishes          rattle
                               bugles         blow              engines         whistle
                               fire           crackles          steam           hisses

                               guns           boom              streams         bubble
                               hands          clap              teeth           clatter
                               hoofs          clatter           trains          rumble
                               leaves         rustle            winds           sigh

                               rain           patters           wheels          rattle
                               rifles         report            wings           flap

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