Page 76 - Maths Skill - 6
P. 76

74                                                                                                  Maths

          3.  Arrange the following unlike fractions in the  descending order.

                 1   1   7   2            4   3   1   9           3   7    5   7          3   5   1   7
             (i)   ,   ,   ,         (ii)   ,   ,   ,        (iii)  ,   ,    ,       (iv)   ,   ,   ,
                 3   2 30 15              5 15 2 10               22 11 66 33             8 32 16 4

        You have already learnt to perform all the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on
        whole numbers. These operations can be performed with equal case on fractional numbers as well. To find out
        how easy it actually is, go through these subtopics.

        Addition and Subtraction of Two Like Fractions
        For addition or subtraction of like fractions, only numerators are added or subtracted and the common denominator
        of the given fractions becomes the denominator of the sum or difference.

        Addition and Subtraction of Two Unlike Fractions
        For adding or subtracting two unlike fractions, first change them into like fractions and then the numerators are
        added or subtracted. The common denominator obtained in the transformed fractions becomes the denominator
        of the sum or the difference.

               Let’s Attempt

                            4       2                                                   17    5
        Example 1:  Add        and    ·                          Example 2:  Evaluate:      -
                            11     11                                                    73 73
                              4    2   42      6                                                      ( 17 5  )
        Solution:      Sum =                                     Solution:     Difference =  17     5            12
                              11 11     11    11                                            73 73       73      73

        Example 3:  Evaluate  7 +    6 ·
                                  2    2

        Solution:      Sum    7  1    6  1     76    1     1       (adding whole parts and fractional parts separately)

                                2    2             2  2

                             13     11   13     2   13    114
                                    2          2

                                 3         3                                                       1   1
        Example 4:  Subtract 5  from     18 ·                          Example 5:  Find the sum:  +
                                 7         7                                                       7   5
        Solution:      Difference = 18 -  5  3                         Solution:     L.C.M. of 7 and 5 = 35;
                                      7    7
                                                                                     1   15      5   1  17      7
                                                 3  3                                              ,

                                 = (18 – 5) +                                        7   75     35 5    57     35
                                                 7  7
                                 = 13 + 0 = 13

                                                                                     1   1    5   7      57     12
                                                                                     7   5   35   35     35     35
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81