Page 141 - Math Skill - 5
P. 141
Money 139
Let’s Attempt
Example 1: Convert the following amounts into paise.
(a) ` 43.95 (b) ` 0.05 (c) ` 19.05
Solution: (a) ` 43.95 = (43.95 × 100) p = 4395 p (b) ` 0.05 = (0.05 × 100) p = 5 p
(c) ` 19.05 = (19.05 × 100) p = 1905 p
Example 2: Convert the following amounts into rupees.
(a) 4635 p (b) 750 p (c) 4 p (d) ` 75 and 25 paise
Solution: (a) 4635 p = ` 4635 = ` 46.35 (b) 750 p = ` 750 = ` 7.50
100 100
(c) 4 p = ` 4 = ` 0.04. (d) ` 75 and 25 paise = ` 75 + 25 p
= ` 75 + ` 25 = ` 75 + ` 0.25 = ` 75.25
Exercise 11.1
1. Convert the following amounts into paise.
(a) ` 7.55 (b) ` 92.63 (c) ` 0.89 (d) ` 133.05
2. Convert the following amounts into rupees.
(a) 2375 p (b) 97 p (c) 8000 p (d) 674 p
(e) 107 p (f) 5 p (g) 16 p (h) 1940 p
3. Convert into paise.
(a) 46 rupees 95 paise (b) 7 rupees 60 paise (c) ` 95 (d) ` 5 1
2 2
Addition and Subtraction of Money
We add or subtract rupees and paise by arranging them in columns and putting the decimal
after two decimal places from right. Decimals are placed one under the other in columns.
Let’s learn through examples.
Let’s Attempt
Example 1: Add ` 39.75 and ` 56.48. Fact-o-meter
Solution: Adding column-wise, we get: � Sum in p (paise) column
cannot exceed two digits.
1 1 1 � Carry over the third digit to
` 3 9 . 7 5 the left into ` column.
+ ` 5 6 . 4 8
` 9 6 . 2 3 Hence, the required sum is ` 96.23