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P. 56

Mind Stretching

           1.  Sumit wants to create a document on geometrical figures with a description of

               each in Word 2019. Suggest a way to him to create the document easily.                   Logical Thinking
           2.   Varsha has inserted a picture of her family in a Word document. She wants to apply

                a frame around the picture, and add glow and reflection effects to it. Suggest her
                ways to do so.                                                                      Computational Skills

              Lab Work

              A.  Create a document in Word about geometrical shapes with the title ‘Basic Geometrical
                  Shapes’. Use the Shapes tool to draw different shapes in the document and format them
                  in different ways.                                                                  Inter-Disciplinary

              B.  Create a document in Word titled ‘Our National Symbols’. Insert pictures in the document
                  and format the content to make it eye-catching.                                        Creative Skills

                  (Sample documents are given for your reference)

            DISCUSS                                                                                Communication Skills

             What other types of objects can be inserted in a document to make it more interesting for
             a reader? Discuss with your classmates.

           TEACHER’S DESK
           TEACHER’S DESK
            Explain,  with  illustrations,  to  the  students  the  various  ways  to  format  objects  inserted  in  a
            document. Give guided exercises to the students to make them understand the features clearly.

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