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3 3      Information & Communication
                                              Information & Communication

                                                                         Technology Skills–IIechnology Skills–II

               u   Operating System                                 u   Working with Files and Folders
               u   Functions of an Operating System                 u   Physical Maintenance of a Computer
               u   Types of Operating Systems                       u   Optimizing Performance of the Computer
               u   Components of Graphical User Interface           u   Protection Against Malware and Virus
               u   Starting Or Opening An App                       u   Removing Spam from E-mail
               u   Changing Wallpaper                               u   Removing Temporary Files from the Computer
               u   Introduction to File System                      u   Removing Files of Temporary Folder
               u   File System Structure                            u   Preparing a Maintenance Schedule

            A computer is a wonderful machine that enables us to do a number of tasks easily and quickly. A computer
            system is a combination of hardware and software. The hardware, that includes all tangible parts of the computer
            system, are small devices. Software comprises of programs that contain instructions to run these devices and let
            us do our work. But have you ever wondered what makes the hardware and software programs work together
            seamlessly and without any problems? The answer is the Operating system.

            Software are of different types – system software, application software and utility software. Of these, the system
            software, also called the Operating system, is the most important one.


            An  Operating System  (OS) is an interface  between  a computer  user  and computer
            hardware. It is the software which performs all the basic tasks such as file management,
            memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling
            peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
            The Operating system is the first software installed in a computer. A computer is useless
            without an operating system.
            Need for Operating System

            A user has to interact with the computer system to get his work done. But the computer is unable to understand
            the language used by computer users as it understands only machine language. The machine language is in
            Binary code, consisting of streams of Binary Digits – 0 and 1.
            The Operating system works as a language interpreter between the user and the hardware so that the two can
            interact with each other. But this is not the only need for an operating system. The computer system needs
            programs to manage its various resources such as the processor, memory, the data stored on the hard disks
            in form of files and manage the overall functioning of the computer. The operating system handles all these
            functions in the computer.

            The operating system is the first program that is executed as soon as the computer is switched ON and continues
            to execute till the computer is switched OFF. The various functions carried out by the operating system are:

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