Page 328 - Ai Book - 10
P. 328

Q. 4  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.                                          (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

                   i.  Srishti learnt about AI terminologies but was not able to recollect the term that is used to refer to
                      machines that perform tasks with vast amounts of data using neural networks. Help her with the
                      correct term.

                   ii.  Statment1: The output given by the AI model is known as reality.
                      Statement2:The real scenario is known as Prediction.
                       a. Both Statement1 and Statement2 are correct

                       b.  Both Statement1 and Statement2 are incorrect
                       c.  Statement1 is correct but Statement2 is incorrect

                       d.  Statement2 is correct but Statement1 is incorrect
                  iii.  Rajat has made a model which predicts the performance of Indian Cricket players in upcoming matches.
                      He collected the data of players’ performance with respect to stadium, bowlers, opponent team and
                      health. His model works with good accuracy and precision value. Which of the statement given below
                      is incorrect?
                      a.  Data gathered with respect to stadium, bowlers, opponent team and health is known as Testing
                       b. Data given to an AI model to check accuracy and precision is Testing Data.
                       c.  Training data and testing data are acquired in the Data Acquisition stage.

                       d.  Training data is always larger as compared to testing data.
                  iv.  How many channels does a colour image have?

                   v.  Which feature of NLP helps in understanding the emotions of the people mentioned with the feedback?
                       a. Virtual Assistants                           b.  Sentiment Analysis
                       c.  Text classification                         d.  Automatic Summarization

                  vi.  Sarthak made a face mask detector system for which he had collected the dataset and used all the
                      dataset to train the model. Then, he used the same data to evaluate the model which resulted in the
                      correct answer all the time but was not able to perform with unknown dataset.

                      Name the concept.

              Q. 5  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.                                          (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
                   i.  Aditi, a student of class XII developed a chatbot that clarifies the doubts of Economics students. She
                      trained the software with lots of data sets catering to all difficulty levels. If any student would type or
                      ask questions related to Economics, the software would give an instant reply. Identify the domain of
                      AI in the given scenario.
                       a.  Computer Vision                             b.  Data Science
                       c.  Natural Language Processing                 d.  None of these

                   ii.  Which evaluation parameter takes into consideration all the correct predictions?
                  iii.  ______ means a picture element which is the smallest unit of information that makes up a picture.

                       a.  Vision                                      b.  Pics
                       c.  Pixel                                       d.  Piskel

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