Page 329 - Ai Book - 10
P. 329

iv.  What do you mean by syntax of a language?

                    a.  Meaning of a sentence                      b.  Grammatical structure of a sentence
                    c.  Semantics of a sentence                    d.  Synonym of a sentence
               v.  Which algorithms result in two things, a vocabulary of words and frequency of the words in the

                    a.  Sentence segmentation                      b.  Tokenisation
                    c.  Bag of words                               d.  Text normalisation

               vi.  Which one of the following scenario result in a high false positive cost?
                    a.  viral outbreak                             b.  forest fire
                    c.  flood                                      d.  spam filter

                                      SECTION B: SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS

        Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills.                          (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
        Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.

          Q. 6  List two best practices for effective communication.

          Q. 7  What is the importance of setting goals in life?
          Q. 8  “The Trojan Horse was a wooden horse said to have been used by the Greeks during the Trojan War to
                enter the city of Troy and win the war”.
                What does Trojan horse mean in computer terminology?

          Q. 9  How is society helping entrepreneurs in their business?

         Q. 10  Mention any two human activities that lead to environmental degradation.

        Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each.                            (2 x 4 = 8 marks)
         Q. 11  All of us use smartphones. When we install a new app, it asks us for several permissions to access our
                phone’s data in different ways. Why do apps collect such data?

         Q. 12  Sirisha and Divisha want to make a model which will organize the unlabeled input data into groups based
                on features. Which learning model should they use and why?

         Q. 13  Ajay wants to access data from various sources. Suggest him any two points that he needs to keep in
                mind while accessing data from any data source.

         Q. 14  Explain the term resolution with an example.

         Q. 15  Identify any two stop words which should not be removed from the given sentence and why?
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         Q. 16  Draw the confusion matrix for the following data
                the number of true positive = 100
                the number of true negative 47

                the number of false positive = 62
                the number of false negative = 290

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