Page 330 - Ai Book - 10
P. 330
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each. (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q. 17 Your grandmother watches you use AI applications. She wants to understand more about it. Help her
understand the term artificial intelligence by giving the right definition and explain to her with an
example how machines become artificially intelligent.
Q. 18 Akhil wants to learn how to scope the problem for an AI Project. Explain him the following:
(a) 4W Problem Canvas
(b) Problem Statement Template
Q. 19 Identify and explain the types of the learning-based approaches in the figures given below.
Q. 20 We, human beings, can read, write and understand many languages. But computers can understand
only machine language. Do you think we might face any challenges if we try to teach computers how to
understand and interact in human languages? Explain.
Q. 21 An AI model made the following sales prediction for a new mobile phone which they have recently
Confusion Matrix
Yes No
Yes 50 40
No 12 10
(i) Identify the total number of wrong predictions made by the model.
(ii) Calculate precision, recall and F1 Score.