Page 324 - Ai Book - 10
P. 324
Q. 8 Write a short note on Antivirus.
Q. 9 Differentiate between entrepreneurship and an entrepreneur.
Q. 10 Raj has a small convenience store in his locality. There are many other convenience stores in the area.
Yet, Raj’s store survives the competition and does well. Which stage of an entrepreneur’s career process
can you relate this to? Explain.
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 4 = 8 marks)
Q. 11 Differentiate AI and Not AI in your own words.
Q. 12 If you do an image search for vacations on a popular search engine, the first few searches mostly return
the picture of beaches. What is the concern here? Explain.
Q. 13 Suhana works for a company wherein she was assigned the task of developing a project using AI project
cycle. Can you help her by explaining the AI project cycle in brief.
Q. 14 What will be the results of conversion of the term, ‘happily’ in the process of stemming and lemmatization?
Which process takes longer time for execution?
Q. 15 Write a short note on ‘Bag of Words’ algorithm.
Q. 16 People of a village are totally dependent on the farmers for their daily food items. Farmers grow new
seeds by checking the weather conditions every year. An AI model is being deployed in the village which
predicts the chances of heavy rain to alert farmers which helps them in doing the farming at the right time.
Which evaluation parameter out of precision, recall and F1 Score is best to evaluate the performance of
this AI model? Explain.
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q. 17 What do you understand by the term ‘intelligence.’ Explain any four types of intelligence in brief.
Q. 18 Define the term ‘Artificial Intelligence.’ Also, enlist the three domains of AI and the data that is used in
these domains.
Q. 19 Explain how neural networks work in an AI model and mention any three features of Neural Networks.
Q. 20 Samkit, a student of class X was exploring the Natural Language Processing domain. He got stuck while
performing the text normalisation. Help him to normalise the text on the segmented sentences given
Document 1: Subin and Samkit are good friends
Document 2: Subin and Samkit went to the park.
Q. 21 Automated trade industry has developed an AI model which predicts the selling and purchasing of
automobiles. During testing, the AI model came up with the following predictions.
Confusion Matrix
Yes No
Yes 60 25
No 05 10
Calculate Precision, Recall, Accuracy and F1 Score.