Page 322 - Ai Book - 10
P. 322

Q. 3  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions                                           (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

                   i.  4W’s canvas framework helps us to summarize all the key points into one single ____________.
                   ii.  Sunita was learning neural networks. She understood that there were three layers in a neural network.
                      Help her identify the layer that does processing in the neural network.
                       a.  Output layer                                b.  Hidden layer

                       c.  Input layer                                 d.  Data layer
                  iii.  Smita is working on a project that involves over a lakh of records. Which of the following should she
                      use to make the best project?

                       a.  Traditional programming                     b.  Manual processing
                       c.  IoT                                         d.  Neural networks
                  iv.  The training data for an AI project should be ___________.

                       (i)  Relevant                                  (ii)  Scattered
                       (iii)  Structured                              (iv)  Authentic C

                        Choose the correct option:
                       a.  Both (i) and (ii)                           b.  Both (i) and (iv)

                       c.  Only (i)                                    d.  Only (iv)
                   v.  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or ___________ global goals were launched at the United
                      Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York in the year 2015, forming the 2030 Agenda for
                      Sustainable Development.
                       a.  17                                          b.  15

                       c.  13                                          d.  19
                  vi.  Identify the algorithm based on the given graph

                       a.  Dimensionality reduction                    b.  Classification
                       c.  Clustering                                  d.  Regression

              Q. 4  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions                                           (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

                   i.  _______________ helps in assigning a predefined category to a document, organize it in such a way
                      that helps customers to find information they want.
                   ii.  Which of the following is the type of data used by computer vision applications?
                       a.  Images                                      b.  Numerical data

                       c.  Graphical data                              d.  Text and Speech

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