Page 323 - Ai Book - 10
P. 323

iii.  Ayushi was learning about computer vision. She wanted to know another term used for the same.
                  Help her in identifying the term used for it.
               iv.  What is the full form of TF-IDF?

               v.  A corpus contains 12 documents. How many document vectors will be there for that corpus?
                    a. 12                                          b.  1
                    c. 24                                          d.  1/12

               vi.  A conversational agent, also known as ____________ is widely used in banking and other financial

                    a.  Recommendation System                      b.  Filtration
                    c.  Chatbot                                    d.  none of these

          Q. 5  Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions                                           (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
                i.  The output given by the AI machine is known as ________ .
               ii.  _____________ is used to record the result of comparison between the prediction and reality. It is not
                  an evaluation metric but a record which can help in evaluation.
               iii.  Amit was learning the conditions that make up the confusion matrix. He came across a scenario in
                  which the machine that was supposed to predict rain was predicting not rain. What is this condition
                    a.  False Positive                             b.  True Positive

                    c.  False Negative                             d.  True Negative
               iv.  Which two evaluation methods are used to calculate F1 Score?

                    a.  Precision and Accuracy                     b.  Precision and Recall
                    c.  Accuracy and Recall                        d.  Precision, F1 score
               v.  Which of the following statements is not true about overfitting models?
                  a.  This model learns the pattern and noise in the data to such extent that it harms the performance
                      of the model on the new dataset
                    b. Training result is very good and the test result is poor

                    c. It interprets noise as patterns in the data
                    d.  The training accuracy and test accuracy both are low
               vi.  Anita was confused with the terms used in the evaluation stage. Suggest her the term used for the
                  percentage of correct predictions out of all the observations.

                    a.  Accuracy                                   b.  Precision
                    c.  Recall                                     d.  F1 Score

                                      SECTION B: SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS

        Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills.                          (2 x 3 = 6 marks)
        Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.

          Q. 6  What do you understand by Sustainable Development Goals?

          Q. 7  Subin wants to make a strategy for effective time management. Can you enlist four steps for effective
                time management to help him.

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