Page 201 - Ai Book - 10
P. 201
If-elif-else Statement
Sometimes, just a single test condition is not sufficient to take a decision but, it may be several other conditions
which needs to be tested in cascading order. In such situations, if…elif…else statement is used.
Set of Statements
Set of statements
Set of statements
Set of statements
Let us make a program using if….elif….else conditional statement in which user enters a choice.
Iterative Statement
Iterative statement or looping statement refers to those statements which are used to repeat a set of statements
for the specified number of times until a certain condition is fulfilled. As soon as the condition becomes false, the
loop terminates. These statements consist of three values:
u A starting value(i.e. initializing the starting value of a variable)
u A test expression
u A step value(Using increment or decrement operator)
In Python, the two basic type of iterative statement are as follows:
u for loop
u while loop
For Loop
The For loop statement is used to repeat itself over a range of values or sequences when the number of iterations
are known.