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P. 204
u Keywords
Keywords refer to those reserved words that convey a special meaning to the language compiler / interpreter.
They must not be used as normal variable names.
u Data Type
A data type is an attribute that tells the computer what kind of data a variable can have. These are mostly
used in those programming languages where the type of variable is known at compile time.
u Iterative Statements
Iterative statements are used to repeat a set of statements in a program.
u Conditionals Statements
Conditionals are structures within the code which can execute different lines of code on the basis of specified
I In a n a NNutshellutshell
• Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language.
• Python is an open source language which means you can make modifications in the source code anytime.
• Interactive mode is also known as Immediate mode in which you can type the command in the window,
i.e. one command at a time and the Python interpreter will execute the command and gives the result
immediately. In this mode, you cannot save the commands and the execution of only one command at a
time takes place.
• In computing, the term sequence refers to the normal flow of control in a program. The execution of every
Python program begins with the first statement of the program. In Sequential construct, the statements in
a program are executed sequentially.
• In a programming environment, a structure that causes a statement or a set of statements to repeat as long
as a condition evaluates to true is called Conditional loop. An example of Conditional loop in Python is while
• A repetition structure that causes a statement or a set of statements to repeat for a specified number of
times is called Counting loop. The For loop is an example of a counting loop.
• A virtual environment is one of the most important tools that is widely used by Python developers for big
• Integers, floats, and complex numbers are examples of numeric data types in Python.
• Strings, lists, and tuples are examples of sequence data types in Python.
• Arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators perform various operations on data in Python.
• AND , OR, and NOT operators combine conditional statements, evaluating to True or False.
• “=” assigns a value to a variable; augmented assignment operators combine arithmetic and assignment.
• Python is widely used for web development, machine learning, AI, data analysis, and desktop GUI applications
due to its ease of use, versatility, and extensive libraries.