Page 203 - Ai Book - 10
P. 203
Most of the programming languages provide indentation for better code formatting and don’t enforce to have
it. However, in Python, it is mandatory to obey the indentation rules. Typically, we indent each line by four
spaces (or by the same amount) in a block of code.
Python uses the colon symbol (:) and indentation for showing where blocks of code begin and end. All blocks
start with a colon and then contain the indented lines below it.
In the examples, earlier, you might have seen simple expression statements which didn’t have the indentation.
However, for creating compound statements, the indentation will be utmost necessary.
if a>b: # if block starts here
print(a) # This is part of the if block
else: # else must be at the same level as if
print(b) # This line is part of the else block
Knowledge Botwledge Bot
Any statement, without indentation will raise an error.
Pop Quiz Quiz
Name the following.
1. A loop used for definite number of iterations. _____________________________
2. A loop used for unknown number of iterations. _____________________________
3. A conditional statement used for only two conditions. _____________________________
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u Anaconda
Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of Python for scientific computing. Anaconda includes tools
such as Anaconda Prompt and Anaconda Navigator, providing a command-line interface and a graphical
user interface, respectively.
u Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook is a powerful tool to integrate code, text, and graphics in a document, commonly used by
data scientists. The interface includes a menu bar, toolbar, and various menus such as File, Edit, View, Insert,
Cell, Kernel, Widgets, and Help.
u Introduction to Python
Python is a widely used, easy-to-learn, cross-platform, and object-oriented programming language. Python
is used in web development, machine learning, AI, data analysis, desktop GUI, and more. Recap of basics
including the print function, comments, keywords, variables, and data types.
IDLE is an acronym of Integrated Development Environment which is the standard development environment
of Python.