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P. 199
Here, ‘=’ operator assigns the value written on the right hand side to the left side of the variable. Python also
offers augmented assignment operators in which an arithmetic operator is combined with the assignment
operator. For example, if a=10, then a+=10 is equal as a=a+10.
Pop Quiz
Pop Quiz
Arrange the following operators as per the Precedence rule.
(), >, %, /, >=, <=, *, **, +, ==, !=
Type Conversion
Type conversion refers to the process of converting the value of one datatype to another datatype. The two
types of data type conversion supported by Python are as follows:
u Implicit Type Conversion: In Implicit type conversion, Python automatically converts one data type to
another data type. This process doesn’t need any user involvement.
u Explicit Type Conversion: In Explicit Type Conversion, users convert the data type of an object to required
data type. You can use the predefined functions like int(), float(), str(), bool (), complex(), tuple(), etc. to
perform explicit type conversion. This type of conversion is also called typecasting because the user casts
(changes) the data type of the objects.
The input() function
The input() function is used to accept input value from the user. When this statement executes, the flow of the
program stops until user enters the value at blinking cursor position. Note that the input given by the user is