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P. 197

Exponentiation          **           Used to raise the first number to the       2**5             32
                                                     power of the second.
          Floor Division         //            Divides the first number with the         17//3              5
                                             second and returns the whole number
                                                adjusted left to the number line.

        Comparison or Relational Operators
        Relational operators help us to determine the relationship between two operands .These operators are also
        known as Comparison Operators because they compare the value of variables and determine the relationship
        based on comparison. If the comparison is true, the relational expression results in the Boolean value True and
        in case of false, the relational expression results into the Boolean value False. Python provides six relational
        operators for comparing two operands and these operators are:

         u   Greater than (>) : This operator evaluates to True if first value is greater than second.

         u   Greater than or Equal to (>=): This operator evaluates to True if first value is greater than or equal to second.


         u   Less than (<) : This operator evaluates to True if first value is less than second.


         u   Less than or equal to (<=) : This operator evaluates to True if first value is less than or equal to second one.


         u   Equal to (==) : This operator returns true if both the values are same.


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