Page 13 - Ai Book - 10
P. 13
Advantages of Visual Communication
The advantages of visual communication are as follows:
u Visual communication through signs and symbols communicates message faster than written or oral
u Visual communication supports information by bringing attention to the information directly.
u It adds variety to the communication process.
u It breaks the monotony that creeps in due to listening or reading for a long time.
u The visuals are known to register in the brain very quickly.
u As visual communication is based on visual picture, graph, sign, etc., that can be seen, it may be quite eye-
catching for mass audience and attract there attention easily.
Disadvantages of Visual Communication
The disadvantages of visual communication are as follows:
u It has limited scope as all topics cannot be presented through visual communication.
u It cannot display each and every detail.
u Special knowledge is required to understand visual communication.
u Drawing graphs, pictures, charts, etc require techniques that are expensive.
u Sometimes information displayed in visual communication may be misinterpreted.
Pop Quiz Quiz
Identify and tick the methods of non-verbal communication.
Letters Reports Facial Expression Gestures Charts Graphs Postures
As you have read earlier, A channel (or path), such as phone/
communication is the process of Giving Information face-to-face (talk/writing) is used
transmitting information from A sender sends a message (giving Channel to transfer the message.
or asking for Information).
one person to another. The (Encoding)
most important elements in the The communication process starts Reply to Sender Receiver
communication process are the with a sender.
sender and the receiver. The sender Sender Channel
initiates the communication. The The sender receives the Receiving Information The receiver replies The message is received by
sender is the person who conveys feedback. to the sender. the receiver.
an idea or concept to the other
individuals, whereas the receiver is the person who receives the message. The sender encodes the message by
choosing words, gestures or symbols. The message may be verbal, non-verbal or written language. The message
is sent through a medium or channel, which is the carrier of communication. The medium can be personal
conversation, telephone calls, emails, messages, letters, notices, etc. The receiver decodes the received message
into meaningful information.
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