Page 107 - Biology - XII
P. 107
Note: 1. There is a ratio between the size of pulley and the needle/pointer.
2. If the pulley size is 4 inches and needle is 20 inches from the centre of the pulley, then the
growth depicted/shown on the scale is 10 times.
For example, in 8 hours if the needle moves by 4 cm. (i.e. 10 times the actual growth.) Then
the actual growth is —
Growth in 8 hours = 4 cm = 0.4 cm or 4 mm
Growth in 1 hour· = = 0.5 mm/hour
Make your own observations and calculate the rate of growth accordingly.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
1. Tie the string carefully to the growing point/tip.
2. Note your observations carefully.
Q1. Which type of growth curve is obtained if a graph is made?
Ans. S-shaped curve
Q2. What is growth?
Ans. Growth is a permanent and irreversible change of an organism/organ.
Q3. What is the actual cause of growth?
Ans. The addition of new cells continuously by the pre-existing cells.
Q4. What is the growing points/tissues called?
Ans. Meristems
Q5. Why did you use this instrument instead of a scale?
Ans. Measurement by a scale would not give the correct results, whereas this instrument gives more
correct results than a scale.
Multiple Choice Questions
Q1. The period during which there is increase in growth is called
(a) sigmoid curve (b) maturity stage (c) senescence phase (d) none of these