Page 111 - Biology - XII
P. 111

              To study the hydrolytic enzyme present in food items.

              The enzymes are classifi ed on the nature of reaction that they catalyse. They are categorised into six
              classes as follows:
              1.  Oxidoreductases                  3.  Hydrolases                      5.  Isomerases

              2.  Transferases                     4.  Lyases                          6.  Ligases

              Materials Required
              Starch/wheat fl our, germinating pea seedlings, beaker, funnel, test tubes, saucers/tiles, fi lter paper, tripod
              stand, wire gauze, matchbox, iodine solution, mortar and pestle, and spirit lamp

              1.  Take a little 5 g of starch or wheat fl our and mix it with 50 ml of boiling water in a beaker.
              2.  Allow the starch paste/solution to cool.
              3.  Take a few germinating pea seedlings (in which the radicle has grown to at least 5 cm). Remove the
                  seed coat and take out the cotyledons.
              4.  Grind the cotyledons in a mortar with water· by a pestle, and fi lter the solution.

              5.  On three white tiles/plates/saucers, pour little starch paste. Label them as A, B, C.
              6.  Leave saucer A as such, to saucer B add a few drops of iodine solution (blue colour appears), and to
                  saucer C add water extract of cotyledons.
              7.  Keep these saucers in a warm place (35–40°C). At intervals of 5 minutes or 10 minutes, test the
                  saucers A and C with iodine solution.

              1.  The  saucer  C  material  gives  reddish-brown  colour  with  iodine  solution.  It  does  not  show  blue

              2.  The saucer A material gives colour change on adding iodine solution. Note the time taken by saucer C
                  for the colour formation.


                                                                                             Starch +
                                                                  Starch + Iodine solution   Cotyledon extract

                                (a)                            (b)                                (c)
                                                   Fig. 8.1:  Enzyme action on starch

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