Page 113 - Biology - XII
P. 113


              To study the percentage of imbibition in various seeds in various solutions.

              1.  The taking up of water and consequently swelling of substances is called imbibition.
              2.  This helps in various physiological processes.

              3.  Some seeds take up as much as 15 times water than its own weight by imbibition.
              4.  Water is also imbibed by some substances as vapour.
              5.  This process involves diff usion, capillary action, and surface tension to some extent.

              Materials Required
              Varieties of dry seeds (gram, pea, bean, maize, rice, wheat), NaCl solutions of diff erent concentrations (5%,
              10%, 20%), sucrose solutions (5%, 10%, 20%), beakers, and chemical balance weights

              1.  Take the required dry seeds and weigh them separately. Take 25 g of each seeds.
              2.  Keep the seeds in separate beakers. (Study one variety of seed at a time.) Put NaCl and sucrose solutions
                  of various/diff erent concentration in separate beakers.
              3.  Keep the sets for 24–72 hours.

              4.  Repeat the process with other seeds. And note your observation by weighing the seeds after they have
                  imbibed the contents/liquid.

              1.  The same variety of seeds imbibe diff erent amount of liquids.
              2.  Some seeds imbibe more liquid in comparison to other seeds.

              Observation Table
                                             Percentage of imbibition in various seeds
                                                                 Weight after imbibing
                S.    Name of seed      Dry weight                                                       Inference
               No.                                        NaCl solution             Sucrose
                                                        5%     10%     20%     5%     10%    20%
                1.  Gram                    25 g

                2.  Pea                     25g
                3.  Maize                   25 g
                4.  –                       25g
                5.  –                       25g

                                                        Final weight after – Dry weight imbibing a solution
              Calculation of percentage of imbibition =                                                      × 100
                                                                            Dry weight

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