Page 102 - Biology - XII
P. 102

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                 Treating them by dipping in 1% mercuric chloride.

           3.  Plug mouth of all the fl asks with cotton or one-holed cork. Pass the thermometer through it such that
              the bulb of the thermometer is inside the seeds.

           1.  The temperature rises in some thermometers and in some it does not rise.


                                        Cotton plug
                                                                       Heat-killed seeds (peas)

                                     Dry seeds (Peas)                  Soaked seeds (peas)

                                        Fig. 4.1:  Release of heat energy during respiration

          Observation Table
                                         Release of heat energy during respiration
                                                                 Rise in temperature                   Inference
                 S. No. Type of seeds in fl ask
                                                        1st day        2nd day          3rd day

                   1.      A–Dry seeds                 _____ °C         _____ °C        _____ °C

                   2.      B–Soaked seeds              _____ °C         _____ °C        _____ °C

                   3.      C–Heat-killed seeds         _____ °C         _____ °C        _____ °C

           1.  There is rise in temperature in the fl ask _________ .

           2.   The temperature rises from _________ °C to _________ °C.
           3.  There is no rise in temperature in the fl ask _________ .

           4.  The temperature remains same even after _________ days.
           5.  There is slight rise in temperature in fl ask _________ .
           6.  The temperature rises from _________ °C to _________ °C.

           1.  Put the seeds in thermos fl ask carefully.
           2.  Insert the thermometer carefully.

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