Page 105 - Biology - XII
P. 105

              1.  Some fruits show many changes after ripening.

              2.  Some fruits ripen quickly while others ripen after a longer time. It may take months in citrus.

              1.  Select a good variety of unripe fruits.
              2.  Note the changes in the observation table.

                                                            VIVA VOCE

               Q1.  Name one plant hormone that fastens fruit ripening.
              Ans.  Ethylene

               Q2.  What is a fruit?
              Ans.  Fruit is a ripened ovary.
               Q3.  What happens during fruit ripening?
              Ans.  The unripe fruit undergoes characteristic qualitative changes and these changes make the fruit ripe.

               Q4.  Give any one change that is seen in ripe fruit.
              Ans.   Change in pigmentation (colour).
               Q5.  Give the changes that takes place in a banana/mango.
              Ans.  The fruit changes its colour from green to yellow, it becomes soft, and it is sweet to taste.

                                               COMPETENCY BASED QUESTIONS

              Multiple Choice Questions

               Q1.  Fruit growth is controlled by
                     (a)  growth substances  (b)  auxins              (c)  both (a) and (b)   (d)  none of these

               Q2.  A fruit may also be formed by
                     (a)  ovary                                       (b)  ovary + receptacle
                     (c)  several gynoecia, fl owers                   (d)  all of these

               Q3.  Formation of fruits without seeds is
                     (a)  not possible       (b)  possible            (c)  sometimes possible  (d)  parthenocarpy

               Q4.  In angiosperms, the fruit develops from
                     (a)  fl ower             (b)  sepals              (c)  ovary              (d)  ovule

               Q5.  Tomato seeds have ferulic acid. It causes
                     (a)  red colour of tomato                        (b)  seed dormancy
                     (c)  taste of tomato                             (d)  pulp of tomato

                Answer key

                     1. (b), 2. (d), 3. (d), 4. (c), 5. (b)

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