Page 68 - What Where Why - 8
P. 68

Mixed Bag
                               Dealing with Stress

        We mostly experience stress when we are under pressure or feel threatened. Stress is defined as a
        state of emotional and physical strain and distress. It can be caused by any occurrence or idea that
        makes you unhappy, angry, or nervous.
        Let us learn some ways in which we can de-stress, and deal with stress in a healthy manner.

          Take short breaks             Make sure to take a break from your routine
                                         even  if  it  is  only  for  a  few  minutes.  This  will
                                         refresh your mind and body.

          Talk to your family or        Share your problems with your loved ones. This
            friends                      will help you to unburden yourself.
          Get enough sleep              Get at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted
                                         sleep. Research has proved that lack of sleep
                                         makes people stressed out.

          Don’t overburden              Reduce the number of activities you are involved
            yourself                     in and make time for yourself.

          Rate the priority of          Assess how important each task is. Do the most
            each task                    important ones first, based on your priority.
          Practice meditation           Meditation  and  breathing  exercises  are  very
                                         effective in controlling stress.
          Do a good deed                Doing a good deed always makes one feel good
                                         about  themselves.  Participate  in  social  work.
                                         You can read out stories to a visually challenged
                                         person  or  teach  underprivileged children  in
                                         your neighbourhood.
          Exercise                      Play outdoor games or simply take a walk. This
                                         will refresh you.

          Practice yoga                 Yoga is not just an exercise. It unites the body,
                                         mind,  emotions,  and  spirit  and  helps  reduce

          Express your feelings         If  something  or  someone  is  bothering  you,
                                         communicate  your concerns in an open and
                                         respectful manner. If you don’t voice your
                                         feelings,  resentment  will  build  up,  leading  to

          Manage your time              Poor time management can cause a lot of
            better                       stress. When you are running behind schedule,
                                         it’s hard to stay calm and focused. Draw up a
                                         detailed timetable to manage your time well.

          Be positive                   Keep out negative thoughts and learn to think

          Develop a hobby               Developing a hobby such as gardening, reading,
                                         drawing, or painting refreshes your mind.

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