Page 15 - What Where Why - 8
P. 15

                               Food Crops

        A crop is defined as a large-scale cultivation of plants of the same variety in one region. It is mainly
        grown and harvested for profit or subsistence. How much do you know about the food that you eat?

        Read the descriptions and write the names of crops using the Help Box.

          1    It  is  the  main  source  of  sugar,     2    It is a plant bulb with crisp, fleshy
              gur,  and  khandsari  and  is  an              layer. It may be eaten fresh or
              important cash crop in India.                  cooked. It is a herb that belongs to
               _________________________                     the lily family.

          3    It is the staple food of almost half       4    It is one of the most popular
              the population of the world. It is             vegetables  consumed  in almost
              grown in a hot and humid climate               every country. It is a good source
              and is also known as paddy.                    of vitamin B6 and carbohydrates.
               _________________________                      _________________________

          5    It  was  first  cultivated  in  South
              and  Central  America.  When  it            6    It is a whole grain that is packed
              grows,  it  is  green.  However,  as           with  nutrients.  It  doubles  in
              it  ripens,  its  colour  changes  into        size  when  it  cooks.  It  has  many
              red.                                           important  vitamins,  minerals,
              _________________________                      and antioxidants.

          7    It is the one of the most nutritious       8    It  is  a  root  vegetable,  usually  red
              foods. It is grown in ‘ears’ which             or  orange in colour.  It is  rich in
              are covered with kernels of seeds.             vitamin A and beta-carotene.
              Long,  soft,  silky  threads  protect           _________________________
              the kernels which are encased in
              a husk of tightly wrapped leaves.

            Help Box

             Carrot,  Tomato,  Potato,  Onion,  Barley,
             Maize, Rice, Sugarcane

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