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P. 13

                               Endangered Trees

        Trees  play  an  important  role  in  global  biodiversity  as  each  tree  provides  unique  benefits  to  its
        surroundings as a home, nutrient source, carbon sequester, oxygen producer, pollution absorber, a
        cooling agent, and so on. Without them, the entire ecosystem would collapse.

        Read the descriptions and write the names of the endangered trees using the Help Box.
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           This is the tallest tree in the     This  tree  grows  with  a           This is a deadly tree. The milky
           world.  The  tallest  tree  in  this   crooked  trunk with numerous      sap  of  this  tree  is  extremely
           family is 115.92m high. It is       branches. It is found only in        poisonous.  It is  commonly
           found in California.                St Helena Island.                    found in the deserts of

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           This tree is possibly the rarest    This  is  a  beautiful  flowering    This tree is found on the
           in  the  world,  with  just  one    plant  species  known  for  its      Canary     Islands,    Morocco,
           known  plant  growing  in  the      sprays  of  long  white  bell-       Madeira,  and  the  Cape  Verde
           wild. It is endemic to the Three    shaped  flowers.  It  is  found      Islands.  The tree has prickly
           King Islands, New Zealand.          only in Mauritius.                   leaves    with      white-green

                                Help Box

                                Pennantia Baylisiana, Dragon Tree, Coast Redwoods,
                                Bois Dentelle Tree, Bottle Tree, St Helena Gumwood

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