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P. 44

                             Famous Quotes

        A quote is the reiteration of an idea or words of wisdom from a speech or text by a person. They
        rekindle our motivation to pursue our passions and achieve goals.

        Read the descriptions of some famous quotes and match the famous people who delivered them.

                             Quotes                                                    Personalities
                                                                      a   Aristotle
           1.  “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.                      Greek philosopher
               Learn as if you were to live forever.”

               “Education is what remains after one                   b   Malala Yousafzai
           2.  has  forgotten  what  one  has  learned                    Nobel Peace Prize winner
               in school.”                                                and human rights activist

                                                                      c   Mahatma Gandhi
           3.  “He who opens a school door, closes                        Indian political activist,
               a prison”.                                                 Father of India

               “Extremists     have    shown     what                 d   Victor Hugo
           4.  frightens  them  the  most:  a  girl  with                 French writer
               a book.”

                                                                      e   Michelle Obama
           5.  “In  learning  you  will  teach,  and  in                  American activist
               teaching you will learn.”

                                                                      f   Phil Collins
           6.  “The  giving of  love is  an education                     British musician
               in itself.”

               “When  girls  are  educated,  their                    g   Albert Einstein
           7.  countries become stronger and more                         German Scientist

               “Educating     the    mind     without                 h   Eleanor Roosevelt
           8.  educating the heart is no education                        American First Lady,
               at all.”                                                   politician, and activist

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