Page 169 - Computer - 8
P. 169


            1.   A and B are young ones of C. If C is the father of     is fifth to the left of C in the row. How many
                A but B is not son of C, how are B and C related?       boys are there in the row?
                                                                             39         41              42         40
                      Niece and uncle

                      Daughter and father                          7.   Select  a  figure  from  amongst  the  options
                                                                        which will continue the series established by
                      Daughter and mother                               the given problem figures (?)
                      Sister and brother

            2.  If  in  a  certain  code,  GLAMOUR  is  written  as
                IJCNMWP and MISRULE is written as OGUSSNC,
                then how will TOPICAL be written in that code?
                      BMRJECN                  VMRJACJ

                      VMRHAGJ                  VNRJABJ
            3.   Minimum number of straight lines required
                to form the given figure is
                                                                   8.    If ‘⇒’ stands for ‘addition’; ‘⇐’ stands for
                                                                        ‘subtraction’;  ‘⇑’  stands  for  ‘division’;  ‘⇓’
                                                                        stands  for  ‘multiplication’  and  ‘@’  stands
                                                                        for  ‘equal  to’  then  which  of  the  following
                                                                        options is correct?
                                                                             2 ⇓ 5 ⇐ 6 ⇒ 2 @ 6
                      22         20            18          24
                                                                             5 ⇒ 7 ⇐ 3 ⇑ 2 @ 4
            4.   In the given grid, numbers follow a pattern                 3 ⇓ 6 @ 2 ⇒ 3 ⇐ 6 @ 5
                row-wise  or  column-wise.  Following  the                   7 ⇒ 42 ⇑ 6 @ 5
                same pattern, which number should come
                in place of (?)                                    9.   Which of the following transformation will
                          2         2       256                         be required to be performed on the figure A

                          3         2        ?                          to get figure B?
                          4         2      46656
                      2765      3125             8796         3008

            5.   A can finish a piece of work in 10 days while B             Rotate left by 180°
                can finish the same piece of work in 15 days. If             Rotate left by 90°
                both work together, the work can be finished in              Rotate right by 270°

                      9 days                   8 days                        Flip horizontally
                      25 days                  6 days              10.   A wire bent in the form a circle encloses an

            6.   In a row of boys facing North, A is sixteenth          area of 616 m . The same wire, when bent in
                from  the  left  and  C  is  sixteenth  from  the       the form of a square, will enclose an area of
                right end. B, who is fourth to the right of A,               121m                      484m  2
                                                                             242m                      88m  2

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