Page 168 - Computer - 8
P. 168
1. The New Values property is applicable to which 6. A wireless technology used for exchanging
data type in Access 2019? data between devices over short distances is
Number NFC
Currency Bluetooth
AutoNumber Satellite
Yes/No Microwaves
7. The function used to add more than one
2. The HTML tag that is used to specify the
description of a term in a description list is element at the end of a list is
<dl> append( )
add( )
pop( )
extend( )
8. A computer network which is usually
3. A set of rules that govern communication confined to a single room, building, or group
between computers in a network is called of buildings is
Topology MAN
Architecture WAN
Guidelines CAN
Protocol LAN
4. The tool in Photoshop that is used to darken 9. The statement in Python that terminates a
parts of an image is loop and transfer the control to the statement
Smudge outside the body of the loop is
5. A computer network of computers and devices 10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
that are part of a specific organisation is Big data in context of AI?
Extranet Variety
Internet Volume
Intranet Velocity
Privatenet Versatility