Page 165 - Computer - 8
P. 165
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. The centralisation of data into one database or program is called _________.
2. The Data Mining technique used to assign classes to objects is _________.
3. The degree of accuracy in data sets and how trustworthy they are is called _________.
4. Deep Learning is a subset of _________.
5. A practitioner of Data Science is called a _________.
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
1. Clustering is a technique used for Deep Learning. _______
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the ability to process natural, human-created text. _______
3. The Data Science lifecycle starts with data analysis. _______
4. A recurrent ANN sorts data into categories. _______
5. Association Rules is a technique used for Data Mining. _______
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What are Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)? Write the names of the types of ANNs.
2. What is Data Mining? Explain any two techniques used for Data Mining.
3. What is meant by Big Data? Explain any three characteristics of Big Data.
4. Write short notes on application of AI in the field of:
(a) Healthcare (b) Education (c) Internet of Things
5. Explain any two applications of Artificial neural networks.
Mind Stretching
1. Identify and write the technique associated with Artificial Intelligence from the description given
below: Critical Thinking
(a) Collection of data that is too complex to be dealt with traditional application software.
(b) An ANN that contains several networks independent of one another.
(c) A neural network with three or more layers that attempts to simulate the behaviour of the
human brain.
(d) Ability of a machine to process natural, human-created text.
(e) The ability of computers to extract information from images and videos.
2. WeatherForecasters is an organisation that is trying to create an AI-enabled application to predict
weather of a place accurately to avoid destruction caused by natural disasters. They are collecting
data from weather stations all over the world and studying it to recognise patterns in the data.
Which technique of AI is employed here? Logical Thinking
DISCUSS Communication Skills
Which future application of AI is the most exciting from kids’ perspective? Discuss with your classmates.
Explain to the students the uses of various techniques associated with AI taught in the chapter in day-to-day