Page 63 - Computer - 7
P. 63
1. Type the code as shown in the image in the Python Editor.
2. Press the F5 key to execute the code. Sample outputs of the program are given below.
Indentation is the process of starting text from a position away from the page margin. Most programming
languages implement indentation of statements for better readability and clarity of code. Some
programming languages make indentation of statements optional and allow for statements to be written
aligned with the margin. But, Python makes indentation of statements compulsory.
Each block of statements in Python starts with a colon ( : ), and the set of statements under the block
are indented. The usual indentation under a block is four spaces, or a multiple of four spaces. Thus, all
statements under a particular if statement will be indented by the same number of spaces. This helps in
structuring the program in an organised manner and visualising the different blocks of statements easily.
Knowledge Discovery Subject Enrichment
Simple statements, executed at the Python prompt in the Interpreter window, do not require indentation,
but compound statements must be indented. Similar levels of statements in a block must be indented
by the same number of spaces.