Page 64 - Computer - 7
P. 64
Lab Activity 5
Experiential Learning
Program to accept a number from the user and display whether it is divisible by 6 or not.
1. Type the code as shown in the image in the Python Editor.
2. Press the F5 key to execute the code. Sample output of the program is given below.
Lab Activity 6
Experiential Learning
Program to accept the type of figure and display its area and perimeter. The user enters ‘R’ for
rectangle or ‘S’ for square. In the case of rectangle, accept the values of length and breadth of the
rectangle from the user, and in the case of square, accept the value of side of square from the user.
1. Type the code as shown in the image in the Python Editor.
2. Press the F5 key to execute the code. Sample outputs of the program are given below.