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P. 103

3.  On  the  Home  tab,  click  the  AutoSum
                down arrow in the Editing group.
                 A drop-down list of predefined functions

            4.  Click Sum.
                The sum of the values of the A1:E1 is displayed in the cell F1.

                   Knowledge Discovery                                                             Subject Enrichment

                You can  also  access the  AutoSum  feature in  the
                Function Library group on the Formulas tab.

          Error Results in a Formula or Function
          Sometimes, a cell containing a formula indicates an error instead of the desired result because there is
          some mistake in the formula and Excel cannot evaluate it.
          The table given below lists some common errors with reason for their occurrence.

                  Error                                                Reason

            ######               Occurs when a column is not wide enough to display the result

            #VALUE!              Occurs when the formula contains invalid data

            #DIV/0!              Occurs when a number is divided by zero (0)

            #N/A                 Occurs when a value that formula uses is not available

            #NAME?               Occurs when the text in a formula is not recognised by Excel

            #REF!                Occurs when the formula contains an invalid cell reference

            #NUM!                Occurs when the formula contains an invalid numeric value

                 Database                                                                          Subject Enrichment

                Some interesting facts about functions in Excel are:
                • There are 459 built-in functions in Excel 2019, divided into 13 categories.
                • There is no built-in function in Excel 2019 starting with the letter ‘J’.

                • Up to 4000000000 formulas can depend on a single cell in Excel 2019.
                • Some formulas and functions can begin with the ‘+’ symbol.

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