Page 60 - Computer - 2
P. 60

                  Roundabout                                                                       Subject Enrichment
                     Click the File tab and click Exit option from the list of options that appear.

                                                                                                            Life Skills
               Health Tip

            Looking at a computer screen for extended periods can cause strain on eyes. This
            can result in tired or sore eyes. Perform this simple exercise to
            relax the eye muscles.
            1. Sit straight on a chair.

            2.  Gently roll your eyes in clockwise direction for 10 seconds.
            3.  Next, roll your eyes in anticlockwise direction for 10 seconds.
            4. Repeat 3-4 times for each direction.

                 Database                                                                          Subject Enrichment

                   Paint has been an integral part of the Windows since it was developed. The

                   program was included in Windows 1.0 in 1985 and had been included with
                   every version of Windows since then.
                   Each new version of Windows included an updated version of Paint. The

                   Windows 95 and 98 versions remain a favourite.

          Post-Processing                 

              Paint provides tools to make, colour, and edit drawings.

              Brushes tool provides several brushes to draw freehand in different

                  stroke styles.
              Curve tool lets you draw curved lines.

              Polygon tool lets you draw closed shapes having three or more sides.

              Text tool is used to add text to a drawing.

              Magnifier tool lets you zoom in or out of a drawing.

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