Page 35 - Code & Click - 8
P. 35

To remove the Primary key from a table:

              1.  Select the Primary key field.
              2.  On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click the Primary key button.
                  Access removes the Primary key from the field and the key indicator disappears.

            Modifying the Table Design

            You can modify a table’s design by adding, deleting, renaming, or moving a field in the Design view.
            Adding a New Field
            To add a new field to a table:

              1.  Open the table in the Design view.
              2.  Click the Row selector of the field above                          1
                  which you want to add a new field.

              3.  On the Design tab, click the Insert Rows             2
                  button in the Tools group.

                    Access adds a new field to the table.

            Deleting a Field                                                 2
            To delete a field from a table:

              1.  Click the Row selector of the field you
                  want to remove.
              2.  On  the  Design  tab,  click  the  Delete
                  Rows button in the Tools group.

                  Access  removes  the  field  from  the             1

                                                                                                          Life Skills
                Health T
                Health Tipip

              Computer  users  tend  to  face  problems,  such  as  fatigue
              in  muscles  of  different  parts  of  the  body,  poor  blood
              circulation, and loss of concentration. Yoga provides various
              asanas that help in keeping the body as well as the mind
              fit and functioning at optimal levels. The Parvatasana helps
              stretch  the  various  muscles  in  the  body  that  allow  good
              blood  circulation.  Better  circulation  to  the  brain  creates  a  revitalising  and  refreshing  sensation  as  it
              reduces mental fatigue and improves memory and concentration.
              1. Sit prone on your knees, with the lower legs touching the ground and the upper torso parallel to the ground.
              2. Raise the buttocks up and straighten your legs.
              3. Keep the arms on the floor and support the body weight. Lower the head between the two arms.
              4. Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds and return to the original position.
              5. Repeat 5 times.

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