Page 77 - Code & Click - 5
P. 77

Back          :  It is used to go back to the previously opened web page.
                Forward  :  It is used to go to the next opened web page.

                Refresh  :  It is used to reload a web page.

            Address Bar

            The Address bar is present next to the navigation buttons. It displays the address
            of the web page currently open in the window. It is also used to open a web page by
            typing its URL. You can use the address bar as a Search box to find websites about a

            particular topic.

            Favorites Button
            The Favorites        button is present next to the address bar. It provides access to your

            favourite web pages and helps you manage them.

            Settings and more Button

            The Settings and more           button is present on the right side of the Collections button.
            It provides options for working with tabs and windows, using tools, searching for text
            on the current web page, printing a web page, and changing settings in Edge.

            Browser Window

            The Browser window is the area where the content of a web page or search results are

            BROWSING WITH MICROSOFT EDGE                                           1

            To navigate to a website or web page:

                1.  Click  inside  the address bar and  type the
                    URL of the website or web page.
                2.  Press the Enter key.

                    Edge opens the website or web page in the
                    browser window.

                   1          2
                                              To search the web :
                                                  1.  Click inside the address bar and type the search
                                                       As  you  type  the  text,  Edge  displays  suggestions

                                                       related to the search text.
                                                  2.  Click  one  of  the  suggestions  or  finish  typing  your
                                                       search text and press the Enter key.

                                                       The search results appear in the browser window.

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