Page 132 - English Grammar - 8
P. 132
By Using Participles
She wanted to rest. She was tired. Being tired, she wanted to rest.
The monkey jumped up. He climbed the Jumping up, the monkey climbed the
tree. tree.
The farmer had worked hard the whole day. Having worked hard the whole day, the
He sat down to rest. farmer sat down to rest.
Being an expert in the subject, he
He was an expert in the subject. He was
appointed as the Head of the Department. was appointed as the Head of the
By Using Appositive/Appositive Phrases
This is my pet squirrel. Its name is Chiko. This is my pet squirrel, Chiko.
I live in Kolkata. It is a hot pot of culture and I live in Kolkata, a hot pot of culture and
politics. politics.
I walked up to Kedarnath. It is a I walked up to Kedarnath, a
14-kilometre trek. 14-kilometer trek.
I consulted Dr Smith. He is an eminent I consulted Dr Smith, an eminent
educationist. educationist.
By Using Adverbs or Adverbial Phrases
The room rent was reasonable. We were lucky. Luckily, the room rent was reasonable.
I reached home. The children had not The children had not returned by the time
Synthesis of Sentences
returned. I reached home.
She is meticulous. She submits her work on She meticulously submits her work on
time. time.
By Using Conjunctions
He is strong. He is brave. He is not only strong, but also brave.
You eat what I serve. You can cook for You can either eat what I serve, or you can
yourself. cook for yourself.
I don’t have the energy to hear your silly
excuses. I don’t have the time to hear your I neither have the time nor the energy to hear
your silly excuses.
silly excuses.
Vicky comes. We can leave that moment. We can leave as soon as Vicky comes.
The okapi is a unique animal. The The okapi is as unique an animal as the
platypus is a unique animal. platypus.
Tom has more marbles. Jerry has less Tom has more marbles than Jerry.
The farmer worked hard. He reaped a As the farmer worked hard, he reaped a good
good harvest. harvest.