Page 33 - English Grammar - 7
P. 33
pale paler palest
white whiter whitest
When the positive degree ends with -y, we drop the -y, and add -ier to form the
comparative and -iest to form the superlative.
Positive Comparative Superlative
costly costlier costliest
dry drier driest
wealthy wealthier wealthiest
When the positive degree ends with a consonant and is preceded by a vowel, we double
the consonant, and add -er to form the comparative and -est to form the superlative.
Positive Comparative Superlative
dim dimmer dimmest
sad sadder saddest
thin thinner thinnest
When adjectives of two or more syllables do not end in -y or -er, we add more to form the
comparative and most to form the superlative.
Positive Comparative Superlative
brilliant more brilliant most brilliant
splendid more splendid most splendid
immense more immense most immense
Some adjectives change completely to form the comparative and the superlative degrees.
They are known as irregular adjectives.
Positive Comparative Superlative
bad/ill worse worst
good/well better best
late later latest
little less least
much/many more most
Practice Time 4 Adjectives
A. In each set of degrees of comparison, one sentence is provided. Frame the other two sentences.
1. Positive: Iron is a useful metal.
Comparative: _______________________________________________________
Superlative: _______________________________________________________