Page 31 - English Grammar - 7
P. 31

Let’s Learn Formation of Adjectives

        Adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and other adjectives by making some changes.

             Noun          Adjective             Verb          Adjective         Adjective        Adjective
            absence          absent               tire         tiresome             white          whitish

              hope           hopeful             play           playful            correct        corrective
            expense        expensive              talk         talkative            comic          comical

            accident       accidental            help           helpful            danger        dangerous

        Some other ways to form adjectives are:

            � by dropping -e and adding -y.                       � by adding -al.

               ease              ―      easy                         classic            ―      classical
               taste             ―      tasty                        logic              ―      logical
            � by simply adding -ful.                              � by adding -ive.

               care              ―      careful                      impress            ―      impressive
               hate              ―      hateful                      progress           ―      progressive
            � by changing -y to -i and adding -ful.               � by adding -ic.

               mercy             ―      merciful                     artist             ―      artistic
               duty              ―      dutiful                      robot              ―      robotic
            � by changing -y to -i and adding -ous.               � by adding -less.

               envy              ―      envious                      sense              ―      senseless
               glory             ―      glorious                     worth              ―      worthless
            � by adding -ous.                                     � by dropping -e and adding -al.

               danger            ―      dangerous                    nature             ―      natural
               mountain          ―      mountainous                  culture            ―      cultural
            � by adding -able.                                    � by dropping -y and adding -ic.

               reason            ―      reasonable                   photography        ―      photographic
               favour            ―      favourable                   choreography  ―           choreographic

                                                   Practice Time 3

        Rewrite the given sentences by changing the highlighted phrases into adjectives.

              1.  They concluded that his death was a case of accident.                                           Adjectives

              2.  It was a night full of music.


              3.  Her room was full of mess.
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