Page 26 - English Grammar - 7
P. 26

1 144                                                        Adjectives

                Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

                   Find six adjectives in the given word grid.
                                               N    P    R    W    U    K    Y    S    A

                                               B    E    A    U    T     I   F    U     L
                                               R    H    D    Q    H    N    H    D    O

                                               A    T    M    A    N    D     T   F    Y
                                               V    G     I   S    M    K    F    G    A

                                               E    R    R    F    T    O    G    C     L
                                               M    E    A    G    G    L    H    V     Z

                                               K    D    B    H    F    P    J    B    B
                                               L    C    L    J    D    U    K    N    N

                                               O    S    E    L    E    G    A    N     T

                  Let’s Learn Adjectives

                Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns/pronouns. They make the language

                more specific and interesting. For example:

                       Since it’s a hot day, Lisa is wearing a sleeveless shirt.
                       The mountain top is covered with sparkling snow.

                  Let’s Learn Kinds of Adjectives

                Adjectives are of different kinds.

                Adjectives of Quality

                Adjectives  of  quality  tell us  about the special  traits, qualities or  features of  nouns.  For

                       The old man ran as fast as he could to catch the bus.
                       She gave her mother a bunch of reddish-orange flowers.
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