Page 135 - English Grammar - 6
P. 135

C.  Read the essay on the topic ‘Women Education in India’.

                                            Women Education in India
             The women education in ancient India was quite good, but in the middle age it deteriorated
             because of many restrictions against women. However, it is improving with each day as modern
             Indians understand that without the growth and development of women, the development of
             a country is not possible. It is true that equal growth of both genders will increase the economic
             and social development in every area of the country.
             Women should be given equal opportunity in education like men, and they should not be
             isolated from any developmental activities. Through women education, the social and economic
             development will be faster in India. To spread the importance and to improve the level of
             women education all over the country, countrywide national awareness programmes are very
             necessary. An educated woman can educate her whole family and thus the whole country.

        Write essays on the following topics in your notebook.
              1.  Environmental Pollution                        2.  A Visit to a Mall
              3.  Healthy Lifestyle                              4.  My Aim

          Story Writing

        Story writing in an art which requires creative thinking and imagination. It has a plot and
        some characters. Dialogues may form some parts of a story.

        You should read the given outlines very carefully to grasp the plot of the story and end the
        story in an interesting and natural way.
        A.  Read the story developed from the outlines given.

           King Solomon—for his wisdom—queen of Sheeba heard of his glory—came to visit him—
           impressed  by his wealth and grandeur—wanted to check his wit and ability  of solving
           puzzles—offered him two garlands, one, in right hand, one in left—real queen asks—which is
           which—courtiers puzzled—both look same—King calm—queen feels victorious—Solomon
           ordered—windows be open—bees flew— settled—real one—queen impressed

                                                   The Wise King
             Once upon a time, there was a great king. He was famous for his wisdom. His name was

             came to his kingdom, she was fully impressed by his wealth and grandeur. She wanted to
             test his wit and ability of solving puzzles. She offered him two garlands of the same kind, one
             in each hand. The one in her left hand was the real one. She asked the king to find out which
             garland was real. The courtiers seemed puzzled. The king remained calm. At this the queen felt
             victorious. All of a sudden, the king ordered the windows to be opened quickly, the bees flew
             in from the garden and began to settle down on the garland which was the real one. The queen
             was impressed by the king’s wisdom.
        B.  Read the story developed from the outlines given.

           A poor woodcutter—cutting trees in a forest—axe falls into the river—water deep—weeps—
             King Solomon. When the queen of Sheeba heard of his glory, she came to visit him. As she  Writing Skills
           God Mercury appears—brings a golden axe—woodcutter refuses—brings silver axe—
           woodcutter again refuses—brings iron axe—woodcutter happy—takes his axe—God is
           pleased—rewards him
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